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Corpse Bride 僵尸新娘
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Movie Script II 电影对白二:

Emily: With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be...I will be...Your cup will never empty, for I will be...
Victor: I will be your wine.
Corpse 1: She's having a second thought.
Emily: I can't.
Victor: What's wrong?
Emily: This is wrong. I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. But now, now I've stolen them from someone else. I love you, Victor. But you are not mine.
Victor: Victoria?
Barkis: Oh, how touching! I always cry at weddings. The young lovers together at last. Surely now they can live happily ever after. But you forget, she's still my wife. I will not leave here empty-handed!
Emily: You!
Barkis: Uhh, Emily?
Emily: You!
Barkis: But, but...I left you.
Emily: Left me dead.
Barkis: This woman is obviously delusional. Sorry to cut it short, but we must be on our way.
Victor: Take you hands off her.
Barkis: Do I have to kill you too?
Corpse 2: Victor, catch! Sorry.
Corpse 3: I say, play it fair, sir.
Barkis: Too shame, my dear.
Emily: Get out!
Barkis: Oh, I'm leaving. But first a toast to Emily, always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break when it stops beating?
Maggot: Let me have him, let me have him, don't let him...
Corpse 4: Wait, we must abide by their rules. We are amongst the livings.
Barkis: Well said.
Maggot: Not any more.
Corpse 5: Yes, you're right. He's all yours.
Corpse 2: New arrival.
Victoria: Oh, Victor, I never thought I'd see you again.
Victor: Wait. I made the promise.
Emily: You kept your promise. You set me free. Now I can do the same for you.


1. have a second thought,表示“另有想法,重新考虑”。
2. The young lovers together at last. 有情人终成眷属。

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·Corpse Bride 僵尸新娘
·看电影学英语-走遍美国教师版 02
·看电影学英语-走遍美国教师版 03
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